Audio Production

Examples of recent audio projects are below. Unless explicitly stated, James directed and produced all audio.



In April 2019, preteens ages 11-15 wrote and recorded podcast plays around the themes of hiding, pretending, and bending the truth. James developed the writing curriculum, directed the performances, and produced the subsequent audio.

Listen Here


In conjunction with the YWCA of Cambridge, Massachusetts and the American Repertory Theater, James developed The Advocacy Project in May 2019. Local 8th grade girls—part of the YWCA’s GOLD program—developed short audio plays around the idea of “advocacy.” The participants fully wrote and acted in their own works. James served as facilitator, director, and audio producer of the project.

Listen to Episode 1 and Episode 2


As part of A.R.T.’s 2017/2018 Season, James began producing the Audio Guide. The Guide was am accessibility resource for audiences with low vision, vision impairment, or those who simply prefer to listen to interesting articles in podcast form. The podcasts were fully produced audio versions of the articles in the printed A.R.T. Guide.

Listen Here


In April 2017, teens and preteens participated in the first “Scriptwriting for Teens: Spring Breaks!” project at A.R.T. For two days, students ages 11-15 developed short audio scripts around the idea of theme of things that are broken, breaking, or on the verge of disrepair. The works were performed by acting graduate students of the A.R.T. Institute. The audio was directed and produced by James Montaño.

Listen Here

Music Composition


Content Coming Soon

James Montaño has composed and arranged music for plays, musical theater, children’s theater, and a capella groups. Samples of his work will be made available here soon.


Education & Facilitation